
Vital Traditions: Greco-Roman Medicine and the Life Sciences in the Twenty-First Century

Registration is now open for the conference "Vital Traditions: Greco-Roman Medicine and the Life Sciences in the Twenty-First Century; A Conference in Honor of Heinrich von Staden," to be held April 19-20, 2013 in Princeton:"

GCNF Grant

Constanze Güthenke and I have been awarded a three-year Global Collaborative Networks Fund grant from the The Council for International Teaching and Research at Princeton for our project "Postclassicisms."  The project brings together Princeton faculty and graduate students with scholars and researchers working in reception studies and related…

Oxford-Princeton Collaborative Research Grant

Together with Constanze Güthenke (Princeton) and Tim Whitmarsh (Oxford), I have been awarded a Tier-1 2012-13 Oxford-Princeton Collaborative Research Grant to develop an exchange between researchers in Greek literature at the two universities, organized around the topic of "Postclassicisms."  For further information, see http://www.princeton